OWNING YOUR NARRATIVE: Reframe Your Life Stories
An online in-person workshop that helps you take control of your life post COVID-19. This workshop will help you to move past self-doubt and self-criticism, and understand how the stories in your life – good and bad – matter. Learn how to embrace the highlights and lowlights in your life, to help you grow in an unparalleled way.
Workshop via Zoom of maximum 8 participants per session where we share and teach the power of crafting your own narrative – how taking hold of your life story and owning it, can propel you towards greater growth.
+ Who Should Join Us
- Consultants
- Entrepreneurs
- Small business owners
- Team leaders
- Recently unemployed
- Digital nomads
- Influencers
- Moms who are going back into the workforce
- You. Anyone who is taking charge of their own life, and taking this leap of faith to make a big personal shift.
+ What it Costs
Free, always. We are committed to creating a learning environment and a better world. Like us on social media and share with your friends!
+ How You’ll Benefit
- A live workshop, not a pre-recorded webinar.
- Understanding why stories – good and bad – matter.
- You’ll learn to connect the dots between your past experiences and your future goals.
- An understanding of how to find your narrative – your powerful unique story, and how to share it with honesty and passion.
- An understanding of how your stories – all of it – can help you find your voice, one that is true and authentic to yourself and your values.
+ How This Works
- Owning Your Narrative Workshop approach relies on Lisa’s background as a journalist and a writer of over 10 years, where she has written and driven the narrative of countless people and organisations. Now, she would like to share that experience with you, to help you build and incorporate your personal narrative into how you communicate, in a way that is authentic and honest.
- Sign-up for our Free 1-hr Crafting Your Personal Narrative group workshop today.
Note: For you to reap maximum benefits, you have to come with an open mindset, ready to be vulnerable, willing to share and participate. This is a live workshop, not a pre-recorded webinar!
+ My Story
FROM MWKA Technologies Content Strategist + Editorial Head, Lisa Goh:
It was the end of a long work-day, many years ago, when I was an intern at a national newspaper in Malaysia. The newsroom received a call that a train had derailed and crashed in Seremban, a neighbouring town. My news editor called everyone up, and sent us out in teams to cover the story. I was sent with a senior reporter to interview crash victims and their loved ones at the local hospital.
It felt like a scene out of a movie – ambulances with blaring sirens, rushing the victims in. Families of loved ones, their faces crumpled with fear and worry, thronged outside. Till today, I remember the fear of having to speak to strangers who were in a moment of extreme emotional vulnerability. What could I say? How could I bridge that gap to reach out to them and still be able to do my job ?
About 10 years on, and I have left journalism to focus on being a mom. I love being present with my children in their early and formative years. I love having the time to journey with them as they explore their little big world, even with all the tears and fears that come with being a newbie parent. Motherhood changes you, for better and for worse.
Over time, my gut told me it was time to refocus on me. To nurture a different side of me that had been sitting dormant for years. It was time to head back into the workforce, but it wasn’t easy. I had been out of it for six years. I was full of self-doubt, and my impostor syndrome was at an all-time high. Could I go back? Would I make it back?
It was then that I met an old friend who gave me some very sage advice: “It wasn’t that you stopped working. You were just doing a different type of work.” It was a lightbulb moment, and that changed my perspective entirely.
Today, I’m the Content Strategist and Editorial Head of MWKA Tech. This was my story all along – whether I was a rookie reporter, a feature writer, a mom, a content strategist – every part of it has shaped me to be who I am today. The only difference was what and who I chose to focus my time and energy on. The road getting to where I am today has not been easy, but it is my story. One that is full of highlights, lowlights, and a whole tapestry of colours weaved into it. What’s yours?
FROM MWKA Technologies Co-Founder, Mei Lum:
I’ve known Lisa for a long time. As a girl, I would find her nose-deep in books at the library. Since she joined The Star as a journalist back in 2005, the largest English news agency in Malaysia, I often read her pieces on human rights, gender equality, work-life balance, driving awareness in the community. Often, she interviewed people and lent them her resources to tell their stories. I’m grateful that she has now decided to share her expertise with our clients and the rest of the world.
Join us at her free workshop.
+ When
Free. Every Wednesday | 5pm